Avalanche! Snow Roof Rake Premium 1000 Package: Easy Snow Removal Combining Complete Original 500 with Rake Head with Wheels and Adapter for Easy Conversion for Better Access to Valleys

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PRODUCT IS THE COMPLETE AVALANCHE! ORIGINAL 500 MODEL WITH ADDED: “Deluxe 20 Standard Rake Head with wheels” AND “Adapter” to fit the rake head into our blue fiberglass Avalanche poles.
Enjoy all the same benefits as listed for the Avalanche! Original 500 such as: NO TOOLS NEEDED – easy snap together assembly, LIGHTWEIGHT – approximately 10 pounds, PROUDLY MADE IN USA, and LESS TIME AND LESS STRENUOUS than standard snow roof rakes!
The included Adapter and the Snow Rake Deluxe head with wheels allow you to covert the Avalanche! Original 500 into a standard snow rake. Both “heads” have 1.5 inch wheels to gently and safely remove heavy snow from your roof while protecting your standard asphalt shingled roofs.
DESIGNED FOR HOMES WITH MULTIPLE ROOF PEAKS THAT COME TOGETHER IN A VALLEY: The Avalanche! Original 500 will allow for efficient removal of heavy snow on the marjority of the roof. Then simply convert the “head or top” of the unit with the included adapter and deluxe rake head with wheels. This conversion allows for better access of clearing the heavy snow from the valleys.
PREVENTS ICE DAMS FROM FORMING AND PREVENTS DAMAGE TO ROOF AND HOME: Regular removal of snow from your roof after snow storms prevents ice dams from forming on the edge of your roof. It is recommended to clear the first 4-8 feet of your roof to prevent ice daming problems, preventing damage to your shingles and house.
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